Wednesday, December 30, 2009

In class drawing by Lyn Tolar

Everyone has their own mark and vision of how they see objects. The important thing is to get the gestalt or "essence" of the things one is attracted to. We are all unique and see the world and it's uniqueness. When we draw we comment on nature's uniqueness.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Drawing Center

Iannis Xenakis: Composer, Architect, Visionary: Jan 15 - April 8, 2010

I hope that you take the time to enjoy some art over the Holiday break. The Drawing Center is located at 35 Wooster Street in New York City. It is the only fine arts institution in the United States to focus solely on the exhibition of drawings. It is located in SoHo and this is the perfect time to visit the city. Check out The Drawing Center website for gallery hours.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Above: Study for the Creation of Adam by Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564)

Inspiration comes in many forms. To aspire toward greatness is the drive of creativity within each of us. The beauty of all forms exalts the greatness of creation. As the created and the creators, we all have the divine gifts of our talents in our hands. The only thing that stops us is time.

11.03.09 Class: Perspective Drawing by Peter Joyce

Left: Pre-instruction drawing in class.

Right: Drawing assignment after 4th class (8hrs of instruction)

Drawings by Peter Joyce

Sometimes I get a student who has drawn from life before. It is a challenge for me to be able to show improvement in basic instruction when the student has a sense of drawing already. I get a sigh of relief when I can show where one's direction is going and find ways to improve upon what foundations have already been set. In this instance, Peter needed to be able to show more "depth" of tone and detail that he was not familiar with. In his struggle with that he was able to come away with a new vision for his drawing journey. Great work Peter!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

11.03.09 Class: Perspective Drawing by Elizabeth Beman

Left: Pre-instruction drawing of interior space

Right: In-class perspective drawing after 7 hrs of instruction. (4 sessions)

Drawings by Elizabeth Beman

Dealing with the drawing of 3 dimensional space has it's challenges. Angles may not turn out as they seem and the illusion of distance and space is like doing a parlor trick. It is very interesting to see students grapple with the laws of 3 dimensions on a 2 dimensional piece of paper. It really takes a sense of believing in what may not, to the untrained eye, seem "real". But once they see the "trick" and deal with the confusion, they begin to create spaces for themselves that are very real.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

11.03.09 Drawing Class Self Portrait by Dan Very

Left: Pre-instruction portrait drawing

Right: Homework drawing. Four 2 hr sessions later.

Drawings by Dan Very

What I find fascinating is that by showing students some basic core skills to drawing, what may seem to be an impossible task for some, becomes an exploration into another side of themselves that they never knew existed. Some say a portrait is one of the hardest tasks to draw. But given an insatiable appetite to "see" the artist can tackle their fear head on.

Good Job Dan!!

Drawing on The Right Side

About a little over a year and a half ago I decided to try teaching drawing to a few people in town. My first group of students met with me at the local cafe and I began teaching them from the Betty Edwards book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. At the beginning I didn't quite have my schtick down pat but I was able to create enough interest for them to reach some headway on their quest to learn how to draw what they see. Within that year I gained more insight into my own teaching methodology and was able to expand my repertoire of my ideas on drawing in general. I found that at the end of the class most of my students would tell me at the very least that they now can see. I have now realized that my goal isn't to help them draw better but to see better the world and all it's wondrous beauty taking a fresh moment to draw it in. This blog is for my students and others who wish to see creativity blossom.

For my students: Feel free to contact me so I can post your artwork that you have done through my class and your own creative journey outside of class.