Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Draw quickly or else!!!

Timed in- class still life drawing, drawn by Dan Very

Sometimes breakthroughs come at unexpected moments. Dan is very detail oriented. There is a lot to see through Dan's eyes. The details become an obstruction to his expression. I began having my students do a 2 minute, 5 minute, etc... drawing of a still life. The confidence in Dan's Line is evident in this drawing. When put to the task with a deadline one can really force oneself to make the right decisions. Good Job Dan!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Drawing II: Dan Very Journal Sketches March 2010

Model Airplane by Dan Very 2010

Tobacco Can by Dan Very 2010

Penguin Gourd by Dan Very 2010

As my students begin to feel confident about drawing, they get an insatiable appetite to see what they can draw next; what interests them the most. Any object becomes a study to be analyzed to the "enth" degree. To draw it simply with all its complexity becomes the test of the beginner artist and shows a level of mastery in one's skill.